July 2 Drilling Update


  • Visuals in this season’s first drill holes in the main area of focus for American Eagle, along the western margin of the Babine porphyry stock are consistent with those of the 2023 drilling; this area remains the Company’s focal area of focus, which will link the more gold-rich South Zone to the more copper-rich North Zone.
  • Recent encouragement from our initial 2024 fieldwork (IP (Induced Polarization) survey work, prospecting, mapping, soil geochemical sampling, and from geology and mineralization encountered in drill hole NAK24-19; (see Figs. 1 and 2), have led to the decision to continue with that fieldwork, with crews mobilizing within the week
  • The newly-defined target, the IP Embayment Zone ("IPE Zone") is located in the southern part of the exciting NAK mineralized system
  • The IPE Zone is primarily a geophysical feature evident at NAK, where the mineralizing system across the property is characterized by poor surface exposure due to an extensive cover of glacial overburden.
  • Reconnaissance prospecting and mapping has identified a surface outcrop of chalcopyrite-bearing porphyritic intrusive rock which indicates excellent potential in the area southeast of the area of the Company’s primary 2022-23 drilling.
  • The newly recognized outcrop and the coincident geophysical expression also correspond with an area of previously identified highly anomalous copper-in-soil geochemistry.
  • Drill hole NAK24-19, which was completed at 951 metres, intercepted disseminated chalcopyrite mineralization similar to that encountered in the Embayment outcrop as the drill hole approaches the IPE Zone (see Figs. 1 and 2).
  • Because of these developments, the IP Zone will be a priority for further exploration this season.

Figure 1 – NAK Plan Map Highlighting IP Embayment Zone Target

Figure 2 –  IP Chargeability Cross Section Showing IP Embayment