IP Embayment Zone

IP Embayment Zone, in the southeastern area of the NAK project, has been elevated as a priority for further exploration and drilling.

A newly-defined target, the IP Embayment Zone ("IPE Zone"), located in the southern part of the exciting NAK mineralizing system, has been outlined south of the Babine porphyry stock. The encouragement for exploring this Zone was spurred on by a new surface discovery of mineralized porphyry and by its comprehensive IP survey conducted early in the 2024 field season. The geophysical survey better defined and drove the "IP shoulder" signature to depth, characterizing the area of best mineralization intersected in drilling along the western margin of the Babine porphyry stock in drill holes collared in 2022 and 2023. Still, it also highlighted, once again, the presence of what has come to be known as the IP Embayment Zone. The IPE Zone has long been recognized as a break, or interruption, in the otherwise continuous ring of relatively high Induced Polarization (chargeability) that surrounds the Babine porphyry stock intrusive center. This break also corresponds with an area of highly anomalous copper-in-soil geochemistry identified in some of the earliest work on the project. Still, it has seen very little significant subsequent work and no drill testing at depth. 

Upon recognizing the Zone's jointly attractive geophysical and geochemical characteristics, American Eagle deployed field teams to investigate this further and other parts of the NAK property at surface. The teams located four areas which featured outcropping copper-bearing porphyritic rocks. Most notable of these was in the IPE Zone since no mineralized outcrop had been noted in that area previously. The geophysical results and the discovery of mineralized outcrop also motivated continuing to drill hole NAK24-19 to depth since its continuation southeast from its primary target, the near-surface "South Zone" copper gold quartz stockwork zone, is toward the IP Embayment zone. Further encouragement has come from visuals in that hole, which has encountered sporadic copper mineralization throughout its length, with notable increases in abundance downhole.

This new work, together with the results from drill hole NAK23-09, which was collared in the IPE Zone but drilled to the northeast and which intersected >100m at 0.4% CuEq from surface (with strongly anomalous copper grades down to 600m depth), provides compelling evidence for further exploration of the IP Embayment Zone.

2024 IP Embayment Target Cross Section

NAK 2024 Drill Plan - IP Embayment Zone Focus