2023 Exploration Program

Drilling in 2023 comprised 7884 m in 10 holes.  All holes encountered broad zones of copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization, and many holes encountered multiple discrete zones of very strong grade, exceeding 200 m in width

Near-surface mineralization at the south zone was expanded, and a new, high-grade zone at moderate depth was encountered in NAK23-08, 10, 11, 16, and 17

Drilling in the north zone established considerable lengths of very strong copper grade in holes NAK23-12 and NAK23-14, as well as a near surface zone of very strongly mineralized dyking in NAK23-12.

A bold step-out in NAK23-09, 650 m to the east of the south zone, encountered 600+ m of very strongly copper and gold-anomalous mineralization, confirming excellent exploration potential south of the Babine porphyry stock

Late-season IP surveying showed a strong correlation between coincident moderate chargeability and resistivity responses, and mineralization within sedimentary host rocks.

Plan View of 2023 NAK Drill Program To Date

A Chilean Hole in BC

  • NAK23-17, the final hole of the 2023 program, returned the strongest results from the NAK program to date, in the newly discovered western expansion of the south zone.
  • Very strong, broad intercepts of copper, gold, and molybdenum returned 302 m @ 1.09 % CuEq (0.40% Cu, 0.53 g/t Au, and 0.046% Mo), within 450.67 m of 0.89 % CuEq, and 606 m of 0.74 % CuEq
  • NAK23-17 indicates that the strong results encountered in NAK23-11 were not the result of drilling down a narrow mineralized corridor, as well as indicating that the strong grades between NAK23-11 and NAK23-08 are continuous, and trend much closer to surface to the west.

Cross Section of NAK23-17

Highlighted Drill Results